Introduction to Growing Microgreens
Sunday March 26
12:00 to 1:30 pm
Teacher: Kenny LaCome
Donations welcome!
Kenny LaCome, Certified Living Foods Health Educator, has over 3 decades experience growing sprouts and microgreens as a lifestyle for ultimate health and vitality. Kenny’s passion is to educate and inspire others and to underscore that we have a choice to improve upon self care. He says, “I did not know the word microgreens when I started sprouting for food consumption decades ago until recently I must admit.” Kenny will address your questions and connect you to his favorite resources and share his own inspiration.

This is the third class in our wellness series! The 2023 Wellness Series focuses on whole health and draws on community expertise. The series is intended to help individuals build a personal toolbox that supports their whole health. Importantly, the series will be led by community members for community members; we intend to highlight the value of local knowledge and skill-sharing.