Mommy & Baby Yoga

Mommy & Baby Yoga
You are my Sunshine Sundays
April 7 to May 19, Meets in person
$18 for drop-in
Teacher: Jiwanshakti
for mothers and pre-walking infants
Class may continue in June, TBA

Come gather in a sweet circle to move and breathe, to release and relax, to strengthen and make connection to self, baby, and other mothers. This is a special time for you and your baby, for imprinting awareness and care of the body and mind through experience.

Classes will include stretching and gentle massage for both mother and baby, as well as a focus on core strength for you. These classes will also include mantra, chanting, and singing as part of the cultivation of joy!

Sponsorships available through our nonprofit program. Check in with your teacher for details.

This class is guided by Jiwanshakti, a certified teacher of both Hatha Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga, with specialty training in Conscious Pregnancy through Kundalini Women. She has been teaching Yoga since 1997. She is currently Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Gong as well.